Man of Steel
Man of Steel
Friday, April 20, 2007
Business First of Buffalo - by Thomas Hartley
The opening in 2005 of Seneca Niagara Casino & Hotel added a glistening, 26-story, steel-framed structure to the skyline of Niagara Falls, N.Y. The tallest building ever built in the Cataract City, the five-color glass facade and LED-lit features of the 604-room hotel and expanded casino complex lights up the night sky like none other in its history.
Contour Steel Inc. played a major role in the $200 million hotel project - $350 million when it includes the casino built in 2002.
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A Sure Bet
A Sure Bet
October 2006
Modern Steel - By Robert A. Stoller P.E., S.E.
The result of the competitive bid proved fortunate. The project was awarded to Buffalo Structural Steel Construction Corporation, whose corporate office was located less than one mile from the Wendel Duchscherer structural office. Fabrication was in their Titusville, Pa., plant about 100 miles from the job site. Buffalo Structural Steel assembled an experienced team which included a detailer, Ram Drafting Ltd.; a connection engineer, Gary Violette, P.E.; and an erector, Contour Steel Company, an AISC Certified steel erector.
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